Approfondimento n. 1/2024, “Consolidating a roster of experts to further advance the italian efforts in the area of Women, Peace and Security”, di Martina Garbuglia

Di Martina Garbuglia
Martina Garbuglia, studentessa del Corso “Donne, Pace e Mediazione” edizione VII.
Abstract: The paper examines the advancement of Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) commitments under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, with a particular focus on the “participation pillar.” Focusing on the Italian National Action Plans (NAPs), the document considers the re-establishment of a national roster of experts as a valuable tool to: (i) develop an inclusive WPS policy through an open and comprehensive process; (ii) ensure diverse, relevant and readily accessible WPS expertise for implementing the NAP; (iii) promote the active participation of WPS experts, specifically women, in line with WPS commitments. This reasoning is bolstered by international practices like the UK’s WPS Helpdesk, Norway’s NORCAP, and Sweden’s Folke Bernadotte Academy, which integrate WPS expertise into the efforts of institutional and civil society actors implementing NAPs. These examples underscore the importance of consolidating WPS expertise to foster inclusivity and participation as essential elements of a truly transformative WPS approach.